Blockwise Rlu, Large Twin-Cam™ Catheter Balloon Wrap

Code RLU

Blockwise Engineering’s patented Twin-Cam™ radial compression stations solve a significant problem that burdens traditional radial compression mechanisms. Twin-Cam™ stations are available as part of Blockwise’s stent-crimping and balloon wrapping machines, and are also sold as separate components for use in customer’s equipment.

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Compression Stations for Radial Force Testing Most types of Blockwise metal-die radial compression mechanisms are available for radial force testing, and can be attached to a Blockwise TTR2 tensile testing machine or to your tensile testing machine. Your choice will depend on the maximum diameter and length of your stents. To obtain the lowest friction and lowest purchase cost, choose the smallest mechanism that accommodates your size range. All of these mechanisms feature very low friction, linear relationship of stroke to diameter, and optional heating / temperature control. Model RLU Large Twin-Cam™ Radial Compression Station, Diameter: 0-60mm, Length: 124, 310 mm


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